上Gwinn约为6,000 square feet and includes a foyer and large meeting space that can seat around 450 people. The meeting space can also be divided into two separate rooms, one seating 240 people (安妮女王室) and one seating 120 people (级联的房间).


无论你是内部客户还是外部客户, here are guidelines to keep in mind when planning for an event in 上层Gwinn Commons.

  • Tables and 椅子 may not be moved from any other location on campus.
  • 柔软的座椅家具必须留在大厅.
  • No object or sign may be attached to the walls with tape, nails, or screws.
  • With approval, Facilities may assist in hanging banners or signs.
  • 泡沫/烟雾机, 闪闪发光的, 粉笔, or other such items that may cause damage to the interior or exterior of the building are not permitted.


  • SPU “main events” (approved by the SLT): Reserve space in 上层Gwinn up to 12 months in advance.
  • Other SPU事件: Reserve space in 上层Gwinn up to 9 months in advance.
  • External non-SPU事件: Reserve space in 上层Gwinn up to 6 months in advance.

所有内部空间请求都是通过 Roomfinder. 所有的外部空间请求都是通过 事件请求表格.


门厅不能被保留为一个独立的空间. We book both the 级联 and Queen Anne rooms concurrently and all groups need access to the foyer. 结果是, 大堂活动仅限于办理登机手续, 登记, 以及其他类似的小活动. To use the foyer for more than these activities, you must reserve the entire 上层Gwinn Commons.


会议服务 books events in both the 级联 and Queen Anne rooms concurrently, 同时对事件类型保持敏感, 噪音水平, 还有其他因素.


联络会议服务部(conferenceservices@yescoconutsolutions.com)查询安妮女王房间的现行价格, 级联的房间, 以及整个上格温(安妮女王专用), 级联, 和大厅). 赌博十大靠谱软件对每个房间采用统一的价格.

外部组也可以提交一个 事件请求表格. Internal groups can contact 会议服务 with questions at 206-281-2187 (x2187 from a campus phone) or conferenceservices@yescoconutsolutions.com.

预订优先 at SPU facilities is determined for both SPU and non-SPU事件 by definition and date. 下面是它的工作原理.


SPU事件 are defined by two categories — “Main 事件” and “Other 事件.“它们是课外课程, 教育, and social programs that enhance and promote the University’s academic and community environment. Main events are given priority during the autumn, winter, and spring academic quarters.

Main events are reoccurring events that support the broader SPU mission, 由总统内阁决定.

  • Examples: Homecoming, Group, Faculty Dinner, 董事会 of Trustees meetings.

Other events are those that fit into the broader description of SPU事件; they are primarily designed for, 出席会议的有, SPU的学生, 教师, 工作人员, and their guests; and/or, 它们主要由SPU的资金资助.

  • These events are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis after SPU main events are scheduled.

Non-SPU-related事件 are those requested by nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations [501c3]. These programs are primarily designed for 出席会议的有 people not related to SPU, 主要由非spu资金资助.

  • Non-SPU-related事件 are given priority during both the Summer Sessions and quarter breaks.
  • 所有与sbu无关的事件都被调度, 简约, 并通过会议事务办公室进行协调.

联系会议服务 了解更多信息.

  • 您最多可以在一个项目中进行三次保持.
  • Holds expire 90 days from the date they are placed or 30 days before the proposed event date, 先到者为准.
  • 如果您在活动后30天内搁置, your hold will expire three days from the date it is placed.

Please confirm your event date and release your holds as soon as possible so we can maximize usage of 上层Gwinn.

  • 您可以随时更改已确认的活动日期, 在你的活动前一周, 而不受惩罚, 只要你的新约会对象也有空.
  • You may cancel a confirmed event in 上层Gwinn up to 30 days before the event 而不受惩罚. Any event cancelled within 30 days will be charged a $100 cancellation fee.




Talk to 会议服务 about the kinds of seating arrangements you’ll need for your event in 上层Gwinn at SPU. 这里有一些建议.

请注意: All capacities listed below are maximums, with minimal extra setup. The addition of a stage, 表 for exhibits, Catering 表, etc. 会影响座位数.


餐车内的座位 160
剧院-style座位 240
面积 2,875


餐车内的座位 64
剧院-style座位 120
面积 1,765


餐车内的座位 320
剧院-style座位 500*
面积 4,640


餐车内的座位 40
剧院-style座位 n/a
面积 1,430

*上层Gwinn包含400张匹配的椅子. Any additional seating will need to be ordered through Facilities.


宴会座位表:5排4张圆桌, 每个座位周围有8个座位, 总共160个座位


剧院 seating chart: 2 sections of 8 rows, with each row having 11 椅子 (176 seats in total)


u型座位表, with 12 seats on each branch of the U and six seats in the middle, 总共30个座位


董事会 room seating chart: 12 seats on each side, and 6 seats on each end, for 36 seats in total


新月形座位图:3排8张桌子, with each table having four seats facing the front of the room (96 seats total)


联系会议服务 for more details about how to configure seating for your next event.



You’ll find ADA-approved handicapped parking in the Demaray parking lot. 访问 Gwinn Commons through the Ames 图书馆 back entrance, 穿过图书馆到马丁广场, and then up the Gwinn Commons elevator to the third floor.
